O me o my..time has flown..I've had Francisco since early June at home_in Clovis room, overnites in kennel and is loose in the room while nobody else(Bonnie, Marie and Celeste) is there. Y'know Francisco, the declawed & neutered FIV+ "feral".
He fed at Rosskillys, one day he showed up with an ear hematoma, Rosemary told me where she thought he lived. I went to the house and sure enough Francisco (Cheddar to owners) lived there. Not only that but Ike AKA Muffin too!
Those are the good news, this people had him neutered and vaccinated so he probably tested + because of that.
Bad news; they declawed him but eventually Francisco lived in/out, now out all the time b/c he doesn't get along with Ike.
Got F to vet who did surgery on the hematoma, brought him back to Rosemary who let him stay at their trailer while he healed. Trailer got too hot so Jon suggested he could stay in our house.
Yay but..talked to owner and though he's very sweet and is attached to both Francisco and Ike he doesn't understand why he should stay indoors plus his wife has Alzeihmers and I can see it'll be problematic for them to take care of the cats. He told me they euthanize when they are 'too old' so I'm concerned, F is between 8 and 10 yrs, maybe Ike too.
I'll ask him to surrender F to me so I can put him up for adoption. He's no problem but has fleas, allergies and mites besides of being declawed so he needs constant care besides of being kept indoors.